Login with username and password under kimmit Account ID
Access EC2 and launch instance .
Create EC2 instance [.create key , choose Linux OS , storage 50 GB ]
Configure Security group to access ssh , http, https
Access ssh to instance with key
Check running services and list all open ports
Check instance storage
Check os release
Update OS using [. apt or yum ]
Install Nginx service
Check Nginx dir structure
Allow ports 80 , 443 through Firewall
Allow ports 80, 443 through iptables
Clone static website https://github.com/cloudacademy/static-website-example.git at nginx root dir. on nginx.config
Enable nginx service at startup & start nginx service
Access. website from Instance public ip
Step 1 : Login via SSSH and update system
Step 2: Install Nginx Web Server
Step 3: Install PHP and required PHP extensions
Step 4: Install MariaDB Database Server
Step 5: Create a Database for OwnCloud
Step 6: Download ownCloud
Step 7: Configure Nginx for ownCloud
Step 8: Install a free Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate
Step 9: Finish the ownCloud installation
Create backup script with date and hour on specific dir
Run script manually and check result
Create cron job on crontab -e to take backup every day