Does ZiSoft Awareness offer a desktop client or a mobile app

No, all access to the system is done through the web application.

ZiSoft awareness supports all major browsers (Chrome, IE 11, Firefox, and Safari), but the recommended browser is Chrome.

Does ZiSoft require any specific operating system or packages to install

Depends on your deployment method. If you are using "Docker", then the only requirements is the Docker and Docker-Compose. If you are deploying on the OS without Docker, then you have to install more dependencies yourself. Read the installation guide for more info.

Can ZiSoft be used on mobile web browsers

Yes, ZiSoft Web interface is "responsive". It will resize and adjust to the size of your smartphone or tablet.

Does ZiSoft offer a cloud/hosted deployment

Absolutely, talk to sales@zisoftonline.com or visit Zisoft for more info.

Does ZiSoft Support HA (High Availability) Installation

Similar to the single deployment, the HA environment distributes the end user load among several web and analytics servers. There is still one single Database and one single background server. The distribution of the front end load can be designed to separate users by region or department, or it can be load balanced among all users in the organization.

Does ZiSoft support Single Sign On or LDAP

ZiSoft supports both LDAP and single sign on. This means that your users can use their LDAP (e.g. Active Directory) credentials to login, either by typing them in the ZiSoft portal (LDAP) or by being redirected to your Identity provider portal (SSO). Checkout the user guide for more details on how to setup and integrate with LDAP and SSO.

Does ZiSoft encrypt data

ZiSoft provides application level encryption only for sensetive data such as passwords. If you need to encrypt everything, consider database level encryption with your DBA.

How much bandwidth does ZiSoft need

ZiSoft Awareness is customizable according to your requirements/capabilities. Out of the box, we have 5 different resolutions of each of the included lessons (320, 480, 720, 1080, and 1440). You can choose which resolution to serve based on your campaign size and network capabilities. For example, if your campaign has 1000 employees, and you expect 100 to be concurrently streaming videos at the same time, then resolution 720 will need a server bandwidth of approximately 70 Mbps.

What are all the requirements needed to run ZiSoft with all its modules

Infrastructure: You will need a server with at least 8GB of memory and 2Ghz CPU and is capable of virtualization.

Operating System: Any of the following

  • Windows 10 Pro or later

  • Linux Centos 7 or later

  • Linux Ubuntu 18 or later

Global System Settings:

  1. Host Name: The url where the system will be deployed. Example https://zisoft.mycompany.com/app

  2. Company Name: Example, My Company Inc.

LDAP Settings: This is needed if you will beimporting users from LDAP (Active Directory) instead of creating users manually

  1. Title

  2. Host

  3. Port

  4. Bind DN

  5. Base DN

  6. Query Filter

  7. User Name Field

  8. First Name Field

  9. Last Name Field

  10. Email Field

  11. Department Field

  12. Group Base DN

  13. Group Search Filter

  14. Group Name Field

  15. Group Member Field

  16. Bind Password

Email Server Settings: If you will be sending training invitation Emails or Phishing Emails

  1. Title

  2. Host

  3. Port

  4. Security (TLS/SSL)

  5. Username

  6. Auth (Anonymous/Authentication)

  7. Password

  8. From (Email Format)

  9. Reply (Email Format)

Email Templates: This describes the Emails that you want to send to your employees in various occasions like invitation to campaigns and end-of-campaign certificates. ZiSoft comes packed with sample templates you can use, but if you need to define your own, you will need the following for each template

  1. Title

  2. Content: HTML (You can use the embedded editor in ZiSoft)

  3. Subject

  4. Language: EN/AR

  5. Type: Phishing/General/Training

Last updated